Thursday, May 17, 2012

Blog Fail

Okay, so you know how every so often, I come on here and swear that this time, I'm really going to keep it up?  Well, this time I really am going to keep it up.  I must write, damn it.  I think I put pressure on myself to write long posts, while what I really need to do is focus on writing frequent short entries.  So, this is my short entry.  Maybe I will try to mention two things that are going on with me/that I'm into/ that I am obsessed with (with which I am obsessed) each time.  One: we got a pug.  He is bad.  Lucie is a little unsure about him, mostly because he keeps eating her beds.  He is, however, pretty cute.  Meet Gus:

Uh, are you going to do something about this?
Also, I am addicted to refrigerator organization:

Never trust me with a Crate & Barrel gift card.
I just can't help myself.